Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Marian Herda - Designed by Sebastien big green egg Matton. Articles (RSS) and Comments (RSS).

Lastly, an interesting big green egg phenomenon occurred in Slovakia. Higher men. It's more common form of the common man, who has undergone accelerated evolution in the political field. big green egg Such a person obtains immediately catapulted into the function superhuman abilities and is able to hold more senior positions at once.
Manages to hold high office and also handles the bench to sit in Parliament as a member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, sit in the regional parliament, to sit on the supervisory boards as well as manage the city as mayor. Simply superman. It has my admiration. On the one hand, MPs cry, in addition to sitting in parliament must still deal with meetings with voters, their work is time consuming, have various committee big green egg meetings, which are members and their participation is needed there. Of course superhuman performance of each director to require his constant attention, stress resistance, must constantly big green egg seek optimal solutions, and motivate subordinates to effectively manage big green egg the entire institution. Most importantly, a positive approach to optimal saving operating costs taxpayers.
But new species of the human race "higher men" handle other important functions and sit on "two, three, four chairs" at the same time and are all under paycheck. They range all year in space-time that no scientists big green egg have not yet discovered and one month can handle as many never make a mere mortal. These higher men, however, more and more. They are mayors, lords, MPs, MEPs and everyone left rear handle. big green egg They are everywhere and nowhere. big green egg Their physical presence is associated with the exercise big green egg of the functions held in the meetings of the various supervisory boards, where as representatives of cities big green egg and municipalities grove rights of citizens.
All in one somehow forgot to say when presenting their superhuman performances in front of cameras, as well as to manage and make for the good of all of us that do not do it for free as a charity. Here is stumbling around superhuman power. These higher big green egg men are paid through taxes on their salaries to compose one and all and thus their superhuman performances catapulted into the plane greedy man lusting to enrich the detriment big green egg of us all. In the private sector as owner owns more operations, manages not to myself but to the dedicated management representatives, who are paid from profits, who have also earned themselves big green egg and create. big green egg
Higher men have in their various offices of Deputy Mayor, big green egg bathrobes representatives, agents and representatives we have no other than simply all in one feed. Cities, municipalities and higher territorial units and crying your to have an empty treasury. Election promises suddenly turn the piece of paper.
2013 (34) October (2) September (4) Shelftalker big green egg and our country. New species homo sapiens Legal Aid Legal analysis of the political right to be elected to the ver ... August (2) July (3) June (4) May (4) April (3) March (4) February (5) January (3) 2012 (50) December (4) October (3) October (3) September (4) August (4) July (3) June (6) May (5) April (4) March (2) February (6) January (6) 2011 (24) February (6) November big green egg (4) October big green egg (6) October (4) August (2) July (2)
Funny Falling Girl
Marian Herda - Designed by Sebastien big green egg Matton. Articles (RSS) and Comments (RSS).

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