Monday, May 5, 2014

Esther LM April 15, 2014, 20:57

As I had yesterday in Palm Sunday, after a scrumptious cooked, my mother and I went to "lower it" taking a walk through the countryside. There is a semi hidden place, which in mid-spring is full of peonies, which is definitely one of my favorite flowers.
Here spring is still a little behind, so we figured that in a month, will be just spectacular, because the ground was littered with strains, full of buds wanting to become one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It's funny, because what happens picnic basket here is not repeated picnic basket in the vicinity. picnic basket It's like someone, sometime, had planted a seed, and the birds, the wind and critters expand them had been in charge of the area. My mother, who knows these woods like the back of his hand, does not know give me an explanation. They are simply just there to enjoy who get to know that place. picnic basket
Esther LM April 15, 2014, 20:57
@ Lameriendaalas5 on Instagram

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