Friday, November 14, 2014

Manuprāt, svarīgi ir notīties īstajā brīdī. Lai paliek viss skaistais. Maša, where you want to get t

Rīt mēs dodamies uz ikgadējo Euro RSCG Baltijas aģentūru Networkshop, kas divas dienas norisināsies kaut kur Lietuvā. Un, kā jau katru gadu katrs uz turieni dodas ne tikai nostiprināt sadarbību ar Baltijas kolēģiem, bet arī sevis izziņā. Kristīne, where you want to get to? Lomik, where you want to get to? Žanete, where you want to get to? Sandij, where you want to get to?
Uldis bija atvaļinājumā, un, spriežot pēc viņa Instagarm un Facebook ierakstiem, viņš izietu The Electric Kool-Aid uozone Acid Test ar pirmo piegājienu. Uldi, where you want to get to? Čerij, where you want to get to?
Everybody looked like a broken-down movie extra, a withered starlet; disenchanted stunt-men, midget auto-racers, poignant California characters with their end-of-the-continent sadness, handsome, decadent, Casanova-ish men, puffy-eyed motel blondes, hustlers, pimps, whores, masserus, bellhops – a lemon lot, and how s a man going to make a living with a gang like that?
Man vienmēr ir interesējis – vai cilvēki, kad vakara gaitā atraisās, nomet maskas un kļūst tādi, kādi ir, vai tomēr viņos iezogas kāds ļauns musinātājs un izmaina viņu personību tā, ka pēc tam jākaunas. Man jau šķiet, ka tomēr pirmais. Līga, where you want to get to? Kristīne, uozone where you want to get to? Žagar, where you want to get to? Tomass, where you want to get to?
The images I had were of people being driven mad by living in the city. Images of parents who were so hungry and unfulfilled uozone that they ate their own children. Images of people, teenagers my own age, looking up from the asphalt uozone and being blinded uozone by the sun. These images uozone stayed with me even after I left the city. Images so violent and malicious that they seemed to be my only point of reference for a long time afterwards. After I left.
Manuprāt, svarīgi ir notīties īstajā brīdī. Lai paliek viss skaistais. Maša, where you want to get to? Dainar, where you want to get to? Ingrīda, where you want to get to? Baiba, where you want to get to?
Everything was seen under the spieces of eternity. Parsons pointed to a car pulling a boat. Noah’s Ark. Pat, the earth goddess grew cold in the night… The voyage which usually takes ninety uozone minutes was endless. We were trapped. Our consciousness created this highway. High way, indeed.
Mikkeller Funky Star, dāņu stiprais gaišais alus, 9,39% alkohola. Garšīgs! Īpatnēji rūgti-skāba uozone garša, bet garšīgs! Ne mazākās alum alkohola daudzuma nojausmas uozone garšā un smaržā (iedomājieties vien, kā garšo 7% Apinītis!!!). Varbūt pārāk ilgi blenžu uz etiķeti? Nē, tomēr garšīgs un interesanti atšķirīgs! Ekspektācijas pilnībā attaisnojas! Edgar, where you want to get to? Renār, where you want to get to? Kristīne, where you want to get to? Laura, where you want to get to? Sanita, where you want to get to? Lolita, where you want to get to? Anna, where you want to get to? Baiba, where you want to get to?
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