Civilization "Art" Rud river in the years after the legendary have city of Decius have had picked up but despite all his clay tablets of the oldest civilizations of East After years of exploring the abandoned last season, and is buried have beneath the sod is.
Civilization "Art" Rud river in the years after the legendary city of Decius had picked up but despite all his clay tablets of the oldest civilizations have of East After years of exploring the abandoned last season, and is buried beneath the sod is. In October, the city of Jiroft in Kerman province is between two and Mlnty Rud River has long been established as well as hard-working people of this city are living in a particular social and cultural context, are the children of the town night in the city of Decius Bzrg hayshan mother's stories can be told and heard each time the heavy rain and flooding in the area are old porcelain beads and indigenous have people have found. These stories are at the heart of Jiroft so oral moved up one day last years massive flood of Jiroft fills the flood was so great that the city was seen south of Kerman city was surrounded by raging rivers, each moment more areas of the city, but eventually flood damage Khvrshansh waves subsided and the legends of the removed soil. Days after the flood, people in the area where it was referred to as the city of Decius have thousands of antique pieces were, at the time, but officials still unaware have of this civilization, the looters were cultural heritage of the life of the looted This is typical of unauthorized excavations Mtvt build on that and thousands of pieces of looted but the excavations were made in the relevant agencies and many of the antiquities was taken. But some of the objects from museums abroad to bring a few of them in the proceedings before the Court once again to the Museum of Western was taken. The seal was revealed the secret of civilization at the time of cultural heritage experts and working groups know how to identify the active region, which resulted in the discovery of vast areas of the ancient sandals headed south along the foothills of the North sandals, and here's The mystery of the seven thousand year old civilization that time the seal had been leaked. Discover thousands of unique objects, ancient hills of the span and the tables of clay discs found that the older the oldest civilization have in Mesopotamia and the theory of the origin of the universe is in question. And in the midst of a huge statue of the southern side of the sandals were found. Oldest linear discovery of cuneiform have tablets that not decode that after years of their discovery is still not decrypt the discovery of traces of civilization because of lack of funds stopped. have Is to protect the premises of this civilization have is just a flower have flowers lined the hills to escape the flooding rains Asai southern Kerman province in autumn and winter. However, according to studies done civilization "Earth" East is missing civilization of Mesopotamia civilization with large cities have business dealings and even military strength to face them down. The remaining pieces of the city, "Uruk" in Mesopotamia, the tablet was prepared by the interaction of the city with a city called "earth" is spoken in the East of Iran. This disc is a correspondence between have the two kings of the early second millennium BC, it states that it is written in cuneiform. The DVD of the king and king of Sumer civilization of Earth will conflict with each other. Translate this CD is as follows: (a day "Anmrkar" king of Uruk to send a representative, the ruler of earth wants to master the art and precious stones to build his temple in Uruk. Governor in exchange for sending rocks and earth, the King Uruk Tqasay have cereal does, "Anmrkar" cereal sends But the card, sending rocks and the ensuing argument. 10 years later, "Anmrkar" again herald a land card, and sends the request to repeat the fate of the king of Understanding arrive and ruling the earth, artists and ornamental stones to send Sumer.) Professor and Head, Department Bastanshansy Mjydzadh Joseph have Bastanshan Jiroft have civilization as civilization and the earth knows the missing civilization of the East, the "earth" was discovered be. Uncertainty about the origin of the line / Iranians have been invented, but the remarkable thing is that the tablets have been found in Jiroft civilization older Mesopotamian cuneiform tables and it can change the rules of the theory of world history have and origins Mesopotamia to the Iranian line instead. Cuneiform tablets have discovered in the older years, but after years of reading, or at least attempt to discover yet more discoveries in the hills of the historic site of the discovery of the disc has been done! Professor Majid born on this disc suggests that this effect is older than the cuneiform Mesopotamian civilization which has been isolated from the line readout of the disc is essential, but so far the world-famous graphology failed it has decode have anode. Explore the beginning of civilization on earth is essential for targeted archaeological site of Jiroft head stamped with the reporter said, civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in Rud discover and explore reading have and exploring the human impact on it is very necessary. Alidadi rare reiterated plans archeological excavations have in this area was done in only six times in the four-point probe and examinations, which were observed in this area are the remains of a civilization dating back seven thousand years. He Afzv
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