Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I have a feeling deer tick that in a few days I will be totally nirvana, another world .... why our

Vzpoměla jsem if jak na sila nám maminka kapsičky, kalhoty na, na Tricka, na tašky to kabátky (vlastnoručně vše vyrobené) zvířátka, kytičky deer tick to my jsme is tak rádi chlubili ozdůbkami. Porad jsem is k tomu neměla, až dnes konečně jsem is donutila to během chvilky vyspravila I PRODRENE malého kalhoty chlapa. Je spokojený, taky tedy já :).
Mám dojem, že za par dní budu dracaena fragrans mime .... naše začíná doopravdy Kvest Tech par kvítečků Voni opravdu intenzivně! Něco mezi jasmínem to hyacinty. Rozhodne whether to však nenechám UJIT to až k bude focení, vše zdokumentuji. Ted Už jsem v Raji Protože Pisi, že Dracena velmi zřídka kvete jen v domácích podmínkách, poctěna jsem :)
I remembered my mom how we decorated bags, pockets, pants, shirts and jackets (all handmade, of course) with animals, flowers and we loved it. No time, but today, finally, I fixed a broken man pegueño pants. He is delighted with his elephants, then I too :).
I have a feeling deer tick that in a few days I will be totally nirvana, another world .... why our fragrans deer tick dracena empecó really flourish and the few flowers that have (for now) smell so strong! deer tick Odour between jasmine and hyacinth. Of course I will not let happen and when it will prettiest take pictures, I promise. Now I'm in paradise why write that dracena blooms very rarely in home conditions, I am grateful :).
Hi Misha Andresico is guapisimo, pants are clear originals that this happy, always surprise me with something bonito.A also surprised me a lot with things deer tick always get done, soap is a good idea for sensitive skin, and smell I imagine that relaxes much have good pinta.Tienes handyman, talent and imagination that does not have them either, I always learn something from ti.Donde no good energy all goes well, the plants also joy to enjoy these wonders of nature. Hugs For 3.Ralu :) Delete Reply
Raluca dear, you are my sun and doing a little something each time I think of you. :) I motivate you very much! Delete Reply
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