Tuesday, April 21, 2015

By the way the film refers to this discovery, it used to be a twist. Market. Surprise that changes

Walleye | Prometheus: Black Hole
One common reaction to a movie is something like "there were problems and holes in the plot, but overall it was good." I oppose this view. Holes in the plot are nothing surmountable, but "Prometheus" is not a scenario that has holes; He network. You can hardly see the material between the holes. Many things are made better movie - visual and Michael Fasvendr, mainly green house - but from a script so bad you can not do a good movie. Max, a bad movie looks good.
I tried to film criticism, as usual, to tell him without spoilers. This is a problem because you can not explain what is so problematic film without telling what happened to him. So let's talk a little bit about "Prometheus", green house this time with the spoilers. Warning: green house The following article includes spoilers L"frumtaos ", and Alien" green house first. green house If you have not seen the movie and you do not want to ruin it all to yourself, do not call.
The film begins: in different cultures around green house the world, from different periods in history, showed him the symbol consists of five circles arranged in the same building, green house or so. Conclusion: The need to go into space. Why? That there is a certain constellation, not visible to the naked eye, looks like those five circles, approximately. Conclusion: green house This is an order. Someone planted these curves around the world so that one day, when we grew up, is all of them, we understand the message and we will come to visit the same constellation that looks like five circles about the same order.
A small question: green house do you know how many stars there are in the sky? Quite a lot. You know how many stars are there in the sky if you count the ones that can be seen only with a telescope? If you say "infinity", that would be pretty close. Here is a picture green house of the Milky Way contains about a billion stars: you can zoom in more, and more, and more, and more, and constantly green house find more points of light. Our galaxy is a big place.
How many times do you think you will find in this tangle of billion stars in groups of five look like the same structure of the five circles, approximately? And how often you will find such a group if you take into account in space there is no "up" and Down ", and should count even those that were overturned, or on the side, or at an angle of 37 degrees? I'm betting on 26 million, but it may well be too careful assessment.
But the Governor. Say there are only constellation only one that fits arrange the whole sky. Governor of the gods from outer space that saw us gently suggested to us that they want us to go there, and it was the most obvious way in which they were able to communicate with us (that send to SETI radio signal that says "Come visit us," It's too easy). It was an invitation.
Reservation green house where? If matured enough to meet the parents, why did not they invite us home? Planet which landed green house "Prometheus" It was not their home planet. It's a place where they develop weapons of mass destruction. Why book with us there? What we were supposed to do there, slumber party? green house
For some reason (the film does not tell us why) planners created human beings their image, and thereby throw trash all the theory of evolution, but even the film itself acknowledges that it does not make sense. Throughout history, they came to visit us a few times, to make us draw circles on the walls. Then one day, for some reason (the film does not tell us why), they called it a day. We annoying. They created us and now they will destroy us. They entered their vessel, sought from Waze route to Earth, and just then - just before take-off - something terrible happened (the film does not tell us what) caused everyone to die, except for one, went into a coma. Hhulgrafit security system of the ship took in the scene, and since she projects her holograms from time to time (the film does not tell us why).
By the way the film refers to this discovery, it used to be a twist. Market. Surprise that changes the map. But the problem is not that this revelation is not surprising, but it is absolutely meaningless. So is his daughter, how about this? What implications this has on the film? What is he or someone else would have done differently if she was far from his grandmother's cousin? In short, who the hell cares?
In all seriousness, there is one person with a functioning brain at that moment he did not say "but what they do not run away"? Dont even think about it; This instinct. If you suddenly fall towards you stand, what would be your instinct - to turn around green house and run the exact direction to which the top down, or jump to the side?
At the beginning of "Alien" found the crew of H"nustromo "alien spaceship shattered and abandoned. When they questioned her, they found a kind of giant pilot chair, on which sits a large alien died. Carcass was very old, and he died in a strange way - his chest was crushed, green house as if something broke out outside. Bizarre. Then they found some eggs, and the rest is history.
Towards the end of "Prometheus", green house we see the alien spacecraft buried in the ground - and this is exactly the same probe, in the form of three-quarter-wheel, as this Alien "! It's a cool moment of discovery that sends shivers of pleasure in the back of every fan of the "Collateral" and causes a wide smile on his face to break. I mean, he was such that the probe had it not been any trailers have been exposed. But Otabr.
To close the business, just before the finish of the race H"mtcnnim pilot ", after the death of all these disturbing people, operates the spacecraft, and "csa pilot" coming out of the floor. The chair M"hnosa' ". Planner, respectfully, settle into a chair, and entered history. We already know how it goes from here. The way to do a prequel properly. End.
Wait a minute, green house no, there's more. For some reason, Scott the Lindelof felt that this end is not good enough. They decided after that the spacecraft had to crash (see previous section), and the designer, who somehow survived the crash, should chase Nomi Reppas around H"frumtaos "that is nervous, and then he will be attacked by" Faishagr "room size, perform oral sex on him without consent, and then he dies. Far out of his chair. The conclusion is that Alien "was not the same one, after all.
Wait a minute! No! There's more! In

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