Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Now that the next production of the factory is about to be poked, it

Now that the next production of the factory is about to be poked, it's time the media summary of Fangs, as I do with every book. The fact that this was my first ended classified as "juvenile" has opened the door to a new group of Criticism entomology had not yet had the pleasure to enjoy. They are a dense network of devoted readers (reading entomology most) of fantasy books aimed at teenagers. For someone who is not used, the reactions have been overwhelmingly numerous (see list at end). The vast majority have been positive, some very enthusiastic, but there have been few complaints repeated. Especially accuse us of not respecting entomology the rules of the genre: to explain life and miracles of each character, guide the reader handle for the full story ... and do not put anything romance. The fact that we focus on the issue of the survival of the characters, which is the core of the novel, and does not detail the rest of the things that are around, the surprised, especially when it reaches the end, some consider it too open. We see him quite enclosed, subject to just a couple of different interpretations. Everyone you choose the one you like, it will not affect the message we wanted to convey the experience or go through the adventure have. I am the first who does not like open endings! Perhaps part of the problem is that such readers are accustomed to a strict format that is repeated in many books they read. It's funny because during adolescence is precisely when one is open to most things, and I remember entomology swallow everything entomology from Tolkien to Garcia Marquez, entomology to Poe, Pedrolo Calders, Joaquim Coal, Kafka, Joyce .. . The more different, more attractive to me. But perhaps others have more predictability in the family structure, which I think might be more appropriate for later stages. In this sense, Fangs started with a certain disadvantage, because it is a book that seeks to create a series of classic emotions (intrigue, angst, a little scary) without necessarily having all points typical genre of literature (at not contemporaries), but getting there and only there that we ended up producing interesting cocktails a little different. However, I must say that the pleasure entomology of seeing most critical thrilled with the book, despite these "defects" approach entomology has been very nice and unexpected. I knew it would not be a book that everyone likes, of course. One has to take communion with the history and format you want to sell, so many positive entomology comments surprised me favorably. Fangs do not know if it is the best novel for a teenage audience twenty-first century, but I prefer the idea that we managed to catch and surprise a good number of readers, young and old, which is a pleasure .. . and leaves me with the desire to re-offend. Press
-Vilaweb, video interview, 25/3/11. - The Vanguard, interview, 25/3/11. - Today interview, 28/03/11. - Reuters, interview, 3.30.11. - The Newspaper, interview, 3.31.11. - ABC interview, 01/04/11. - Check new interview, 04/05/11. - Catalan News Agency, News, 4/13/11. - The Newspaper, recommendation, 4/16/11. - The World, Reviews, 18/04/11. - Today, Reviews, 20/04/11. - The Newspaper, review, 4/27/11. - Celobert, review, 4/11. - El Heraldo de Henares, News, 4/10/11
Radio and TV - On the COM (COM Radio) 03.22.11. entomology Click here. - Wonderland (Radio 4), 22/03/11. Click here. "Fangs" by Macip and Red "Cartoons on the Front" the Picasso Museum - North Channel entomology (17 minutes). Click here. - The Time Girona (SER), 04/04/11. Click here. - Supplement, Catalonia Radio, 4/23/11. Click here. Blogs - The island books (reviews, tastings and interviews). - 80 grams. - File to Galera. - El diario de los libros. - Martorell black. - Tumateix books. - Books with soul. - Books dreamy. - Butterfly kisses. - The library imaginary (interview and review, please scroll). - The daily avalanche. - For tastes hay color. - Devouring libros. - The Enchanted loft los libros. - The fountain of angel caído. - Space Lalu. - Press Galera (interview). - Libros por leer. - Vega de los libros. - Leer without limit. - Welcome to Pinkiland. - Fly like a butterfly. - The enchanted library. - The truth in fiction. - Many Books So Little Time sound. - Millions of Letters. - Domésticos Pequeños pleasures. - Tears of ink. - Los libros of my life. - Chest Nebe. - Bits of me. - Pages blank. - Fantasy literary entomology youth. - From Beyond Words. - Los libros princess. - Talisman Dreams. - Jugando con las palabras. - Books, period! - Anika from libros. - Demas

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