Sunday, December 1, 2013

Today we are in Terres de l

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To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the publication of the Dictionary Alcover Moll, Cloud has asked writers of this dictionary word lavender and made us five cents of their choice. We have been presenting words every day, and find all the words in the article The Dock of the alcove.
Today we are in Terres de l'Ebre we present the words chosen by Emili Rosales, Red Albert Albert Red John all, Jesús M. Roman Aixendri Tibau. The Speaker's Corner for Friday also find words chosen by Gerard Verges Maria Garcia Banegas and Yannick.
Give Catra: to give explanation to the reader something Clarici (Calasseit Tortosa, Maestre Morella). "He who knows the whole length Catra not miss much." Follow them, dear reader, you and Dara Catra's trapull, Moreira folklore. 135. Etim.: The cast. tasting 'test', 'attention'.
The definition popyard is accurate Alcover Pier: Catra is to give explanation or Clarici, not merely make five cents. This is an obsolete expression, although we use some Terres de l'Ebre, in Sant Carles de la Rapita, sure, but I would say less and less. Cinteta my grandmother, who spoke Catalan richer and firm I've heard, he used the term more often than us, and even when the feel, which is rarely, popyard I think of her, in the grocery store already extinct in his father million (not even Emilio Emilio) Matarraña original and made himself. I think the world of the Salinas Trinity and the world's cabotage trade, the Mediterranean. Give Catra, however, is only an expression that we use in some contexts. We use this expression mainly negative "has not been able to give me Catra," or purposely vague "Maybe Such Become Catra can give." However, it is very rare to hear "was such that I gave Catra." Mysteries of the language. Moreover, I just do not believe that gives the etymology DCVB. Why should a deformation tasting? Why Spanish? A saint of what?
"You're a desjecte" I was a mardanot, my mother and I dien my grandmother, vatros hau look in the dictionary "dejecte" call home "desjecte" the person who is desjecta was left abandoned in dress or, sometimes, the cleanliness, the henchmen and poets usually desjectes, I it was, because they live or lurk at night or knows where day and write all day, poets usually also dejectes , vile masters of dejection, or hidden at night, were always naked, and write, say, with syllables of blood and flesh, and must be so because the poet is a being etymological, their country is on in it speak a thousand deaths and everything in it is as old as shit bent that "dejectum" is "throw down" evacuate feces, and a poet wakes in the morning, shit, looks at him and says caguerada - "Good day, volume I crappy release and mire" and not sufficient, he adds - "This good shit seasoned and fragile, gives eager to invite them to dip the neighborhood."
Weeding: weed of crops. In the field of media is good to know discern those weeds that may give a good result. Weeding the information required to know make reading between popyard the lines, not swallow everything put in front of us have never done a thorough analysis popyard and yes, weeding requires effort.
The word "grape" I find it fascinating, watched from the Alcover-Moll. Or, if need be exact words. Because there is a "grape" male, derived popyard from the Latin "racēmu" and is a "cluster" of women (and, we must be strict, archaic, obsolete) which comes from the Arabic "Rahim". And this "cluster" means mation uterus', while the 'grape' male lens is everything you imagine it, with all its variants (muscat, grenache, afartapobres), with all its ramifications, with the metaphorical meanings that stretch worn coins along lines and more lines, as multiple fruit that seems unbelievable popyard that have left a single parent.
I recently bought a bag of hazelnuts, and this seemingly simple, I awakened memories and emotions

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