Somewhere in Flanders, in the village bookstore seeds - you immediately know which chain - I was sticking to its "department above Poetry in big letters. Hopeless. The ever likable bookshop was standing next to me. Day Mrs. B., are you looking for something? Xavier Roelens, a collection of poems which was nominated for the Herman de Coninck price, I do not see him lying on the table and did not find him on the shelf. Now online, I had already seen him often enough flashed but walking into the bookstore is an old habit, seeds and that you do not learn so quickly.
No, we have not. Sorry hey: you have seen well that top shelf is the whole range of poetry. This is what remains. We are sorry but there it is. A few months ago, we could fill a few more shelves with books of poetry, now this one is still on your shelf. Poetry does not sell: it is. And with the declining sales of gift boxes do not see the future of the bookstore looking good. This is my income, this is my job. I hold my breath.
Evolving chain bookstore to department store, such as online book sales has widened the range for much longer with espresso machines, cameras, toys and more. Or is it just disappear, swallowed up by super-and hypermarket. Surely not! Then we have counted on Facebook. FB can book chain and save: see my next blog post about social media marketing - your old chain bookstore in the sea with the crowd (you and me, yeah), your cookies and your manufacturer surging Knack Weekend. Books, biscuits (and hopefully more) magazines selling 3.0.
The independent bookshops, it is not just the wind. Also sound louder his cries through Facebook. And for example, I do not see it in the children's corner more and more toys on offer: puzzle and creative boxes, legozaklampen, the better hug. Apart from the ladle to the ordering free cookbook supplier industry. We must join with those things (the best bookshop seeds in hushed tones, apologetic).
The trimmer in the old bookstore. seeds Yes, why not. Times change. Does not bother me surfing shopper, allesbekijker, voracious reader, snuisteraar, dancing tramp in the book world. And poems, which I still buy online. Or rather organized directly by the author that she spends on its own and a literary event itself nice presents. Is so simple seeds it. More should not (any longer). The loud defense, protection and monitoring of the better books I like to leave to the Frank Hellemans' and and Ted van Lieshout's of this world. They're right in the old-established literary circuit. Alabonheur. Now pick up the cookies from Facebook, if there is no new love in it for the book.
February 20, 2013 at 5:30 pm
Oh no, Frieda! And if I quite understand "a bit of spare '! I blog and play but what's also been a bit with the idea that this is a cultural evolution - this form of 'product placement'.
Yes, if you observe the commercial channels and social media and the Internet, you can not help but notice that trend. Sometimes you do not see. The forest for the trees It's seeds just that I expected. Previously discreet for the book business and the arts scene Now, find the "Hansel and Gretel" and NTG in a biscuit could have some fun. It'll go there like cake ... 'k am actually very curious though is that inner reserve.
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