Monday, January 27, 2014

Not all bugs, of course, rating are the bugs: - Some bugs are closed as Invalid, ie the steps leadi

As a person with experience and training in software testing, I decided it was time to record at least some of the information I have accumulated over the years. Reasons: to concentrate the substance, give access to information for people in my teams and to all those interested in the field can read and get ideas. The information here is relevant both for people rating new to the field and to experience. The site and Htmfliitim are free and in good faith.
Not all bugs, of course, rating are the bugs: - Some bugs are closed as Invalid, ie the steps leading to incorrect or expected result is correct, or that the environment was discovered bug is the right environment and more. - Some bugs are Msthazrim, some are WAD - Works As Designed. - Some bugs just are not corrected rating because they do not depend on us, or low impact bug against time and risk his amendment. So some bugs should be closed. The question is - who closes them. Do we trust the key? Hmm, I think not. Is the reviewer can close? Sometimes yes, but not always. Maybe he does script in non-region system he knows. Sometimes he just might believe the key. The problem is that there is little chance of losing that important bugs. For example here is a real case: We are working in a test environment. At that time we used the SSL environment, but the problem is we did not have the above-mentioned certificate environment. It means we get an environmental assessment is not really protected. Hsteig'ing environment however we had the original certificate. Checks examined Vsteig'ing received the message above " for, as was not supposed to be Vsteig'ing. He opened a bug. Key, which is incidentally one of the best and head magnifiers that - I used to work with him, canceled the bug on the grounds that the notice is due to the environment. Happens. Reviewer, who may also be responsible, took the message key, perhaps because it was known that the key is not to ignore the specific bug, closing rating the bug. Then came the critical bug what-production users get an error message of the SSL Certificate. By the way, to this day I have not told this key. Anyway had to understand our environment, which has five analysts rating and sometimes twenty checking, debugging may be lost, and we can not afford it. So we put a process with two main points: a. Must not in any case the developer to change the bug status of a terminal (as Invalid, Will not Fix, Works For Me and Domiihm). If there is an option to back it up permissions - all the better. In. Also checks can not close a bug, just an analyst, and the analyst responsible for the domain. Where there is no distinction between the analyst checks, just checking it Ratz expert on the subject or can close a bug. How to do it? By Status suitable bug (eg in bugzilla by adding a Keyword). Reviewer adds status after the key convinces him to remark rating appropriate bug report. ever on charge developed suitable filter, see the bugs that close and decide on the next step - to close or reopen., I want to remind readers learned, we can and must sometimes share the product manager deciding how to proceed bug. Not everything rating is within our jurisdiction., I can say that almost daily we reopen bugs that would otherwise disappear in the system.
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