Friday, May 1, 2015

Cork (26) Disaster Alexander Katona (2) Finishing maggots / Building Works (19) Eliska (31) Kitchen

For the first time in my life I have the experience from the preceding autumn, and yet no one saw the fruits of lilies maggots of the valley live. So - Babkine lily of the valley in front of my garden (that Cora did not eat them) it then after about 35 years produced the first time obviously. Nice. What-what about lily of the valley (this is the case) from official sources: lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) is a poisonous perennial plant of the family listnatcovité (Ruscaceae). Some authors advise her to the family Lilies (Liliaceae), or in a separate families Konvalinková (Convallariaceae). Includes extensions: It is widespread throughout Europe, except the northernmost and southernmost regions, in Asia Minor and adjacent maggots areas of Asia, after China and Japan, as well as in North America. As an ornamental plant is grown outside these areas. Appearance: A perennial to 20 cm tall poisonous maggots herb with a creeping branching stems. The leaves are usually two (rarely three) are simple, down to pošvovitými scales, elliptical scales, entire and glabrous. It flowers in May and June. The flowers maggots grow in the thin unilateral grapes carried maggots on a straight shaft. They are short stalks and fragrant. Corolla is white or yellowish, composed maggots of six petals healed, is round bell with six odstávajúcimi bent chips. The fruits are poisonous, bright red berry 2-6 seed. Habitat: In Slovakia, the protected plants growing from lowlands maggots to mountain range in bright and scrub forests and mountain meadows. It prefers acidic soils and loose, but often also grows on calcareous soils. Content substances: Contains glycosides konvalatoxín, konvalatoxol, konvalatoxozid and majalozid maggots affecting heart function and other substances. Poisoning: The poisoning can occur through ingestion stems, leaves, or by eating red fruits. Poisoning is also possible drinking water from vases, which were lily of the valley. Symptoms of poisoning are nausea, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, maggots increased urination and dizziness, sickliness and convulsions. If ingested large quantities of the fruit is necessary to consult a doctor, as there may be complications with heart function, especially in people with heart conditions. Propagation: lily of the valley in the land of the fleshy layers, which under appropriate conditions extends into its surroundings. It prefers a more acidic loam soil in partial shade. It reproduces by dividing maggots the tufts, which in practice means that the trs vyryjeme gently from the ground and rozlámeme into several parts so that each end of the runner had a sufficient number of roots. Those principles to a new location. The best dates for planting is September, at worst even later if wet weather will last frost. Otherwise, it is better to choose február to March. Use of Lily of the valley maggots is collected as a medicinal plant. It is used to strengthen the heartbeat or the ascites, and in epilepsy. Due to its high toxicity, it is not suitable for use by amateur healers. Lily of the valley is also used in the manufacture of soaps, perfumes and snuff. In addition to the normal wild forms they were bred many different colored varieties that are grown as ornamental plants.
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Cork (26) Disaster Alexander Katona (2) Finishing maggots / Building Works (19) Eliska (31) Kitchen Secrets (25) Food for thought / To Think About (11) around Lužnej / Around Lužná (35) Sick and tired (1) plumbing / Water Installation (5) Life in the dome / Life In The House (248)
It changes from day to day, from hour to hour. As the sun shines, as a gas day, as we may want to engrave in it. It took good direction and one day will not only pretty, maggots but also various maggots benefits. +++ Changes day by day, hour by hour. Because of the sunshine, maggots beca

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