Lily of the valley - Convallaria majalis lily of the valley lily of the valley L. is a perennial, 15-20 cm high, poisonous herb vyháňajúca of creepy, segmented rhizome two elliptical to lanceolate, entire edge strip whose stems are coated on the bottom pellicle vagina. Kvetonosný scape has sided cluster of fragrant, money tree white, pendulous, krátkostopkatých flowers growing from armpits Listerine.
The flowers are bell-shaped, šesťzubé flower, six bars. The fruits are round, red, poisonous berries. Lily of the valley known, popular herb our deciduous money tree forests and groves. Often also it is grown in gardens and greenhouses dividing rhizomes and roots. It flowers money tree in May and June.
Harvested leaf (Folium convallariae). Cuts off the knife close to the ground, removed weeds and poisonous leaf is carefully dried. It contains more toxic glycosides, particularly konvalatoxín and konvalamarín a mixture money tree of saponins, essential oils, organic acids and glycosides Mrázek are close to heart, digitalis glycosides and also increase money tree the efficiency of the heart. They also have a diuretic and laxative effect. Lily of the valley is a technical drug. Used for the production of powders and sneezing snuff. money tree Flowers are used in perfumery to obtain Konvalinková perfume. In pharmacy, the drug is used to prepare a large number of special galenic art compositions.
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