Sunday, November 17, 2013

Grow house plants, but do not know its name? Try to find the name of the plant under the picture. R

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Grow house plants, but do not know its name? Try to find the name of the plant under the picture. Recent posts Plačvarpis (Platycodon) Fallopia Our excellent (Polygonum affine) basilica soapwort (Saponaria ocymoides) phalaenopsis Rudgrūdėlė evergreen (Iberis sempervirens) Notra (Stachys) Lijatris (Liatris) Moražolė (Tunica) Edelweiss Edelweiss, (Leontopodium) Laumėnai (Doronicum) Twiggy (Alyssum) Recent comments about elena Venus fly-trap (Dionaea muscipula) elena the Venus fly-trap (Dionaea muscipula) I will not tell about the Birch (Betula) Ermina of the Venus fly-trap (Dionaea muscipula) phalaenopsis Bonsai of camellias (Camellia) Calendar phalaenopsis
Kamel - arbatmedinių (Theaceae) plant family. Motherland phalaenopsis - East Asia. 82 known species. China camellias grown tea. The leaves are dark green, leathery, obovate or lancetiški up to 10 cm in length. Leaf margins toothed. Flowers of different colors, white, pink, purple, yellow-pink, cup-shaped, hollow, or hollow, stacked on top of shoots. Indoor plant grows up to 2 meters in height. Camellias bloom in November - April. The most cultivated Kuruma camellia (Camellia japonica) and flavoring camellia (Camellia Sasanqua). Propagated camellias apical cuttings of July - August. Cuttings rooted in 2 months. It is recommended to use rooting hormones. Repotted every 2-3 years, after flowering. Camellias planted in acidic (pH 4.5 to 5.5) substrate. Camellias selected bright, but protected from the direct rays of the sun room. The optimum temperature of 18-20 C, but it's good buds mature a little bit colder. Camellias are advised to rest, do not store above 12 C room temperature. Plants need clean, fresh air, and camellias are grown only in well-ventilated areas. In autumn and spring camellias watered abundantly, rootsystem to keep lukewarm. phalaenopsis In the winter, when the camellias bloom watered phalaenopsis less. Rest watered sparingly. Plants fertilized additionally from April to May and from August to October, fertilizers and blooming flowers. From May until the autumn camellia can be kept outdoors, protected from direct sunlight and drafts location.
I have received a Gift camellia :) Very beautiful flowers. How about reading the Camellias, I think it will grow sudetiga, not demanding flowers. Does anyone have any experience? Pasidalinkit.
Eve, the camellias are currently SILO shop in Kaunas, Petrašiūnas, yesterday, I saw and intrigued. Color red, blossom empty. phalaenopsis kero good half meter height. Price listened-34 litas. Bushes look healthy as carefully.
It is true hope! I also received a gift, but so far only the growing shoots and leaves are falling, and the sheet is formed so rusty tribe (and now on the new leaves), other leaves at all dries. phalaenopsis To me the house is hot, today I'll try that field carry, even though it's hot outside. Sadly, the flowers really nice, but if you visit you at home is hot, then I think it will find it hard to grow. Maybe you have this flower, okay? Tell us how to grow? Thank you in advance!
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