Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tropical forest plants require not only receive regular watering, but high humidity. Last heated in

Each plant has its own needs. Tropical plants necessary space to be heated. These plants do not have significant dormant period, so they saved all year round decorations. Tropical plants are easy to pick up a constant temperature, many of these plants witch hazel can tolerate dry air, which is available on the district heating our homes.
Subtropical plants have a more pronounced dormancy. Such plants are, as a rule, lose their leaves witch hazel or dies with them all the ground part of the plant. However, even in the very not alter the appearance of your indoor witch hazel plants require certain types of care changes: much less frequently they need to be watered, the plants should be built in the far cooler place. By providing your indoor plants require, you'll be rewarded witch hazel with a hearty plant flowers and long flowering.
Tropical forest plants require not only receive regular watering, but high humidity. Last heated indoor condition - fairly difficult, but possible. In addition witch hazel to traditional crops such splashes of water, we can advise the pot with the plant inserted into the tray with gravel, wrap it with moss, and put round them and the ground. Absorbing water and gradually release for the moss helps to maintain the necessary humidity, slows down and lands caking furthermore, and disinfect the ground.
Savannah and desert - cactus, most of the bulbous and succulent plants witch hazel homeland - is rich eastern fogs and rare rainfall. Therefore, these indoor plants should witch hazel be watered with care, it is best to do it in the morning hours, and the ground should be a little pot little between watering.
Among flowering indoor plants are bright sunshine lovers who best place - the south side of the sill. However, there are plants which require witch hazel a large amount of light, and thus suffer from the burning rays of the sun. These plants should be installed during the summer in a little shade, the best since March. Small shade lover feels good next to the window, in the west or east side, as well as close-ups of the south side. Well ištveriančių shade indoor plant species can be arranged in the depths of the room and on the north side of the sill. Flowering time in many indoor flower (such as camellia) is not recommended relocated from one place to another. For this reason, the flowers may start throwing rings.
Indoor flower watering can be conditionally divided into the rich, and the average stock. witch hazel In the first case, the land of flowers should always maintain a moist (not too wet). Medium-watering case pradžiūti allow only the top layer of the earth, of a thickness of more than 1 cm. Conservative case irrigation, land between watering pot should be allowed to dry out almost completely.
As a rule, during the year the plants should be watered mixed mode, for example. Abundant watering during the growing season and average resting witch hazel period. Need to pay attention to the quality of irrigation witch hazel water: it must be soft, preferably filtered, left to settle.
Also keep in mind that indoor plants do not like to nulinkusiais leaves when the leaves fall on their moisture - such plants should witch hazel be watered only during pot dish. Otherwise, these places leaves on which drops of water fall, brown spots appear.
Constantly perliejant houseplants on the ground and on the inner edges of the pot eventually formed mold. Even inexperienced florist is a clear signal that the flowers be watered properly.
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Maid flowers | Flowers

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