Sunday, November 17, 2013

Most viewed articles on Persian Cyclamen Flower džefersonija Cactaceae - Cactus family ferns and pe

Camellia japonica - Camellia Flower Kuruma | Maid flowers | Flower Field | Flower Growing | Roses | Tulips | Orchid | Lavender
Arbatmedinių family flower in shady, but the bright forests in East Asia, where the air is cool and moist, although the summer is hot and dry. Likes acidic ground, ferns and petals acidic fertilizers ferns and petals and free magnesium soft water. It blooms in the winter. Considered to be a bright, ferns and petals 8-12 C temperature place. Flowering plants may carry from one place to another. Thrive vasarošilčiu moderate rain or snow water spray. Tap water should be softened. Fertilize every week (1-2g / l) with a mixture containing less nitrogen. Attacking scale insects. During the summer growing season. Repot every 2-3 years; shred roots lands. Flower pot slightly larger than the former. Suitable peatlands or three parts peat and one part įnspektinės ground. The room bright or weak užpavėsinta, ferns and petals ventilation, about 20 C temperature. Abundantly watered each time to spray. Nepersodintas flowers to July. fertilizer (2 g / l) every week with a mixture containing more nitrogen (2:0,8:1,5) transplanted ferns and petals begin fertilization after six weeks. June. can be placed in the field to build a shade. Sometimes the attack of aphids and thrips. In the summer ripening ferns and petals period. July-August. Keep in a sunny spot, fertilization, watering a little, sometimes ferns and petals to protect from rain, to ripen spring shoots would become dark green. Do not plant apvysti. Winter in September. bring to a room. Then a little more watering. Until the bud, the temperature 15-18 C. Then the most appropriate 10 C, not more than 12 C, as the buds ripen more slowly and prepare flowering. A little fertilizer (low nitrogen). Air must be clean, damp, chilly. Nesukioti, not to change the direction of the pot. Propagated by shoots in August.
Oct 17, 2013 | By Rozes
Most viewed articles on Persian Cyclamen Flower džefersonija Cactaceae - Cactus family ferns and petals flowers Flower leukoja (Leucojum) houseplants - geranium (Pelargonium) Flower squill (Scilla) Flower indoor fungal diseases surfinėja Flower Flower ferns and petals mandevila (Mandevilla aphrodite) Flower watering features in the fall and winter
Flowers on Plants Growing begonias ferns and petals perennials propagation flowers flower flowers flower seeds flower care flower watering fertilizing flower beds flowers ferns and petals Jacinto dahlias dahlias dahlias growing dahlias planting varieties of dahlias dahlias cactus family cactus flower pet indoor flower care flower flowers Maid pests watering daffodils orchids orchids orchids Watering orchid fertilizing palm tree fern care bouquets roses planting tulips vaistingas medicinal flowers ferns and petals inflorescences
November 22, 2011 | By Tulpes
Categories Dried Flowers Flowers Flowerbeds Flowers and Florists Directory Health ABC Ch DEFGHIJKLMNOPRS F TUVZ AZ Maid Curiosities about flowers flowers flowers Forest Tips flower growers meadow flowers Roses Roses, tulips, orchids and other flowers

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