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Anthurium is the homeland of South Amerika.Izvestni vida.Mnogo are about 800 of them have outstanding beauty of the colors or flamboyance cth of listata.Listata are big, tough, brilliant, a different form of thin drazhki.V indoor conditions are grown mainly A. andreanum, scherzerianum A. and A. crystallinum. Anthurium andreanum - large plant, up to 70-90 cm in height. Stems form numerous aerial roots that develop fully only in very high humidity or lodging stem substrate. The flowers are formed in the axils of the leaves each year and last for a long time. There are varieties with white, pink, orange and red petals. The leaves are oblong-heart-shaped. Better feel in a greenhouse or conservatory. Translated from the Greek name of the plant means "flower - bush." Sold only with cut roots for his difficult growing in pots. But after a certain selection appears anthuriums embodiment of which can be grown easily in pots. Extremely cth beautiful flower does not require much care and blooms continuously - from spring to fall for many years. cth
stela July 23: 08:30 Reply to this I Anthurium 3 years. Tsufti great and not at all fussy. I am very pleased! vera November 28: 13:27 Reply to this And my Begin died. Tell how you look at it. vasilisa July 24: 13:38 Reply to this from the old plant stems picked nyakoloko white korencheta.V Currently CAB cup voda.Mozhe anyone tell me if I should put them in a pot already or still waiting to grow roots? Cars November cth 7: 13:14 Reply to this Do not wait. Enough is gradinar November cth 28: 16:10 Reply to this Vera, the important thing is to watch it at normal room temperature 20-24 degrees and keep it wet! stela 13 Jan: 06:55 Reply to this Gardener is absolutely right! cth Desi 09 Mar: 14:23 Reply to this aaa what a pot should I know that? shgalqlqlq 15 Apr: 11:31 Reply to this I have Antarium a new year .... presadih it into a larger pot and sloyih perzhaza of the window .... but ne6to leaves gleamed yellow? >> .... tensions ........ what? Anonymous 23 Apr: 11:44 Reply to this gave me Anthurium, but the water with us is very chalky ... with what water to irrigate? In sites read rain :) how to procure her to put the basin as it rains you :)) Help with advice. Thanks Chrissy May 28: 14:59 Reply to this watering it with mineral water or mountain ... (if you have a cottage in the mountains, right by a roadside fountain) Botany June 17: 19:25 Reply to this soft water, ie buy a ordinary distilled water with which to water anturiuma.Spetsialno of shgalqlqlq mean shift color to a shady spot, well pulverized leaves cth and give him liquid tor.Polivay in 3-4 dni.Tova All information anthuriums are my 4 years well are in oranzheriyata.Ako you conform what I said about the plant! Elena June 18: 19:05 Reply to this do you think, should I pick off the faded flowers of Anthurium if so, only the base color or the whole stalk? Sissy September 29: 09:33 Reply to this where to irrigate, in the substrate of the pot or directly at its roots? cth Anonymous November 13: 14:32 Reply to this flower always watered on the plate and not directly into the roots! Sissy September 29: 09:36 Reply to this suitable to be kept in the room where you sleep? Snezhana November 13: 14:30 Reply to this hi from me! Do you know what is the fruit of Anthurium? In the forum I read that Kitty has ... fruit! Tina 20 Jan: 15:16 Reply to this my flower like "sleep" - its fallen leaves .. before at least three months, there is a "ratty" petal, which leads me to believe that you can still run the paper. I water it once a week, with a little water on the east window is in the room is not very warm. I hope, but if it is so? Give us feedback florists! u6i 21 Jan: 21:41 Reply to this a moeto caftq edi pat i tolkova kakvo da napravq ne6to po specialno Petvelikovo61 31 Jan: 16:51 Reply to this Priydu shunt interesting vы webhosting. cth . . . . . . Gabriella 03 Mar: 11:19 Reply to this Hi, Please give me advice on the following: I antirium but leaves
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