Saturday, July 26, 2014

Watering: Moderate during active growth, but regular, ie prosahne when the top layer. Watering is g

Anthurium is the homeland of South Amerika.Izvestni vida.Mnogo are about 800 of them are known for their exceptional beauty and splendor of the colors of the leaves. The leaves are large, leathery, glossy, with a different form of thin drazhki.V indoor conditions are grown mainly A. andreanum, scherzerianum A. and A. crystallinum.
Anthu rium andreanum - large plant, up to 70-90 cm in height. Stems form numerous aerial roots that develop fully only in very high humidity or lodging stem substrate. The flowers are formed in the axils of the leaves eucalyptus each year and last for a long time. There are varieties with white, pink, orange and red petals. The leaves are oblong-heart-shaped. Better feel in a greenhouse or conservatory.
Anthurium scherzerianum eucalyptus - a good choice for growing in the home. As a rule prisatsvetnite clubs are bright red (there is a white variety - album). The plant reaches a height of 30 cm. Lance has elongated, oblong or oval, pointed leaves on top and turn spiral floral.
Tips for Growing Substrate: One of the most important conditions for growing Anthurium is the right choice of substrate. It must be well kept plant to store moisture and nutrients to prosahva easily and is air-permeable. It need not quickly decompose and settle uplatnyava.Eto several "recipes": acidic soil for azaleas mixed with peat, ceramist, sphagnum moss and pine bark. Ground for begonias + + sphagnum moss perlite. Part 1 leaflet, eucalyptus 1 part peat, 1 part soil from pine, half part sand with the addition of pine bark and charcoal. eucalyptus Required good drainage.
Illumination: Anthurium needs a lot of light, but does not like direct sunlight. Some guides say that Anthurium withstand shade and can grow well in poor lighting conditions. In this case, the plant will be unattractive appearance and will not bloom. Anthurium are suitable for all shows except the south, taking into account the height of the floor, but if there is no other option, then it must be at least 30-50 cm from the south window and it should be shaded.
Watering: Moderate during active growth, but regular, ie prosahne when the top layer. Watering is going well with soft water (boiled or rain). It is considered that soil must be constantly vlazhna.Tova is the most common mistake - waterlogging of the substrate leads to a rapid decay of roots and destruction of the plant. Standing water in the substrate of the pot is not acceptable, it should be poured after watering. Golden Rule-better to drought than prepoleesh.
Humidity: Anthurium grows well flower with high humidity. It is recommended to regularly (morning and evening) spraying. Can also be rubbing the stems with a damp sphagnum moss. It is preferable not to be sprayed colors are obtained because unsightly brown stains.
Temperature: not lower than 18C in an environment of high humidity. The soil temperature should not be lower than that of the environment, therefore, are preferably plastic pots to the ceramic.
Propagation: By division of adult fish or cuttings of creeping species. It is possible eucalyptus that breeding seeds. After cross-pollination (for that you need to have two simultaneous flowering plants), the seeds mature eucalyptus in about eight weeks, after which they must be inoculated immediately, or else lose germination.
Pests, Diseases: Usually Anthurium not suffer much and often attack them pests. Most often these are mealy and lazheshtitonosni lice who want serious fight for their removal because they multiply rapidly. In dry air may occur and mites. Also plants suffer from waterlogging and poor drainage, causing rotting of the root system. At low temperatures and waterlogging the roots and stems rot, anthracnose appears - her all the leaves begin to wither, while defeat highly exhausted and die. The fight against these diseases eucalyptus should begin at the first sign, and can be conducted and prevention of systemic fungicide.
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