I have 3 Anthurium. This photo does not stop blooming, but my other were blooming as I bought them. I have not been with me for color. What could be the reason for this? Little fertilizer can affect them well. You know the Tories in the winter? dareto74 long coffee Posts: 117 Joined: Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:54 pm Gender:
I almost did not fertilize, passion fruit but forget them field starting immediately and remind me of someone tsvetets-at least Voditza them spew toni Kafevar / ka / Posts: 960 Age: 55 Joined: Sun November 29, 2009 10:45 pm Location Sofia Gender:
I had a chill Anthurium, which made me a little sucker before you bring in color paradise. Now I watch the baby, but something bothers me more is less, not growing up .. Do you have experience, please passion fruit spodelete.Dori'd benefit if you devoted a small Rasen, how they developed ... verji Coffee Machine Posts: 3428 Age: 50 Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2009 3:40 pm Location: passion fruit Pleven Gender:
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Family: Zmiyarnikovi (Araceae). Anthurium name comes from the Greek "anthos"-color "oura" passion fruit - tail. Distribution: Tropical and subtropical parts of America and the islands of the Caribbean archipelago. Description: In the genus Anthurium (Anthurium passion fruit Schott.) Includes about 800 species of plants from family Zmiyarnikovi. The majority are epiphytes and poluepifiti with shorter stalks and aerial roots, but in the family has a long-stemmed vines and grasses. The leaves are thick, with a variety of shapes and sizes - whole, cut a length of a few centimeters to 1 m, often beautifully colored with iridescent hues and silver prozhilki. The colors of anthuriums clubs have heart-shaped, attractively colored in various shades of pink, red to dark purple, passion fruit some types of white or green. Anthurium also called flamingo passion fruit flower. Can bloom all summer, under appropriate conditions. Anthurium hybrids "Andre 'can bloom all year round. Pretsaftelite inflorescences is better to cut off, in order not to weaken the plant. After you pass away, the fertilized flowers passion fruit form juicy berries fruit, brightly colored in some species. Care for the plant: passion fruit Since most species of the genus Anthurium are epiphytes, growing their requirements are more specific. Many of them thrive wonderfully warm and moist greenhouse conditions. Anthurium strongly prefer filtered light, not necessarily protected from direct sunlight. They love copious irrigation, the surface layer must dry out between two watering, but deep substrate should be dry. To have abundant blooms in winter, reduce watering in September, humidity is maintained within 80-85% and temperatures fall to 16 to-18 C. In January gradually rose to 20-25 C. During the summer period, the optimal temperature is about 20-28 C and not lower than 18 C. Humidity: High (80-95%). To provide suitable microclimate pot can be kept in pots with damp sphagnum moss. It is recommended to spray the leaves with cool, soft water. Colors should passion fruit be protected from water drops as develop botrytis (gray mold). Rest period: From September to February, it is recommended to maintain high humidity and temperatures of 15-16 C, reduce watering. Fertilizing: Anthurium fed during the spring-summer period passion fruit every 2-3 weeks. Since Anthurium are sensitive to pretoryavaneto and accumulation passion fruit of mineral salts, it is better to use lower concentrations passion fruit - half the recommended dose on the label by the manufacturer. passion fruit Replanting: From February to August, when new growth is observed. When transplanting care must be taken with the leaves and roots, as they are very fragile. Planted somewhat deeper in order to root more easily. Substrate lightly compacted to access air to the roots. So there is no temperature difference between the substrate and the air in the room is well anthurium grown in plastic pots instead of ceramic. Requires good drainage, passion fruit as the plant does not tolerate prepolivane. In the natural environment forms many aerial roots. Some of them reach the substrate and take root. The most commonly grown in the lower vessel, with a diameter of 24-32 cm Substrate in the cultivation of the plant in a pot using a very loose substrate suitable for epiphytes, with coarse, air-permeable, slightly passion fruit acidic, with a pH of - 5.0 - 6,0. Should not decompose quickly given copious irrigation and is highly drained. Use a mixture of peat moss and chopped leaflet ratio 2:2:1. Can also be used substrate for orchids with added chopped moss and coconut fiber. For young plants use a small fraction. Anthurium grows well as hydroponic culture. Propagation: By seed: color of anturiu
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