Photo left: common honey bee, right: cicadas honey bee Kelulut can be divided into 3 layers of pollen, honey and propolis. ALL created by God is certainly not wasted. Among the very special creations are bees. Indeed, the bees are placed at critical than other insects. No wonder if a chapter in the Quran called An-Nahl means bee on the word of God in verses 68 and 69 means: cicadas "And your Lord inspired the bee, saying: Make a nest in the hills, cicadas on trees and in wood made man. "
"From their bellies comes a drink (honey) that a variety of colors, wherein is healing for men. Surely that's really an indication (the greatness of God) for people cicadas who reflect."
Honey comes from the essence of flowers and a cure for a variety of human diseases. Benefits of honey served as the Qur'an has been proved scientifically cicadas by a physician. Up to now the study only focused on honey bees in the genus Apis as Apis dorsata and Apis melifera the sting. The bees do not sting or Kelulut the genus Trigona play an important role in the pollination process was abandoned. Just like honey bees, Kelulut also form complex cicadas social colonies. The study was conducted at the Institute of Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) shows that the country has the most Kelulut diversity cicadas than other Asian countries. cicadas Research Officer, Centre for Strategic Research, Mohd Fahimee Jaafarberkata, in Peninsular Malaysia alone there are 29 species Kelulut while the number of species in Sabah and Sarawak can not be determined. "At Mardi alone there are 15 species and can be divided into three large, medium and small," he said. Study Mohd. Fahimee much assisted by a research assistant, Hamdan Kelulut Siponyang have conducted studies for over 10 years. Fahimee said Kelulut species conservation efforts underway in the field of MARDI for research and educational purposes. Kelulut usually found in forests and nest in tree trunks that have been cut down. "Some nests are designed on a farm in Serdang seeks to manipulate the colony for pollination cicadas of some species of fruits and fruit with small flowers and produce honey." Diversity Kelulut can be seen through the nest shape, "he said. Colony Kelulut at Mardi placed durian plantations, cicadas carambola cicadas and longan as agents of pollination success. "For example, a durian plantation colony Kelulut showed an increase in revenue and always cicadas bear fruit regardless of the season," he said. More special, bees pollinate flowers Kelulut simple small you can not do the honey bee. For commercial purposes , colony Kelulut put in the box that can accommodate 1,000 to 2,000 pieces. "Within a month of Kelulut can be harvested in the form of honey, pollen and propolis and honey recruitment easier because Kelulut no sting," he said. Advantages Kelulut is honey may be taken every month when the nest box is full and honey are in a small bag bag. So far honey Kelulut not yet commercialized because many still do not know the Kelulut. "Just like the honey bee, Kelulut cicadas also produce honey and propolis are rich in nutrients like antioxidants." Honey Kelulut somewhat sour taste than ordinary honey and brighter colors, "he said. Honey Kelulut more expensive than ordinary honey due to lack of market. blackish propolis Products grouped by employee Kelulut of tree resin that is mixed with saliva and food such as pollen and flowers. cicadas
Propolis material used to line the inside of the hive to maintain sterile conditions for children Kelulut very sensitive to viruses, fungi and insect pests. Propolis cicadas can serve as antifungal, anti fungus, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory cicadas commonly used as active ingredients in cosmetics, cicadas creams cicadas and tablets.
Photos: balm made from honey bee propolis Kelulut. Kelulut easily managed because cicadas unlike honey bees are often missing, do not stay in the nest and vulnerable to disease. Therefore, cicadas a thorough review of the product should be carried out to enable Kelulut commercialized in the future. Text source: envoy malaysia pictures: Advertisement:
Kelulut honey Gua Musang. 100% original. Fresh from the forest Gua Musang far from city pollution. I own amik operators. RM 40 per bottle (140 grams). To order a pm. Picture above. all the picture of my own. Feel the benefits of honey Kelulut containing propolis and pollen are far more nutrients and antioxidants than ordinary honey. Eat a spoonful a day as medicine.
Natural honey from left to right: GRADE A ++
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