Saturday, August 30, 2014

I wish to mention all the authors, but I have not been able to locate original sources :(. If anyon

Hi all, Following the tutorials recycling, today I bring an idea to reuse the tubes of the roll of toilet paper. You'll see that is so original and colorful to give them a second life.
What do you think? And that I am nothing handyman, I am rather ticks torpona, you sure you leave it perfect. For what you can do, I have prepared a template. It is a bit dodgy because it is taken from a photo, but it us to use as reference. You can also create you your own designs. And as you do not do, you know that "Your Stuff" there is always a place for your work;)
- Toilet ticks paper rolls - Shoe Box (cover or any frame) - Template - Painting - Scissors - Glue Procedure: Print or trace the template or make your own. As a framework, I used the lid of a shoe box, but you can use anything that you may have on hand. Now is the time to use the tubes. Flatten and divide it into equal parts. My 'framework' has 3cm deep, I have divided the tubes into rectangles 2 cm wide. Cut the strips.
Once properly positioned frame and the template, place the strips of the tubes in the drawing. Glue the strips with glue. I used hot glue because it was the one hand, but will anyone worth sticking cardboard.
You can also give it a coat of gloss or protector. My advice after making experiments: - Os will be easier if the frame is wood or something stiffer than the top of the box. I went crazy squaring and even if I stay a tad twisted. - The glue heat it worked great, but BURNING! My blister on the finger test is there. Before closing I leave you with some examples of others, much more skilled than I, have to do with this technique.
I wish to mention all the authors, but I have not been able to locate original sources :(. If anyone recognizes their work, let me know I'll be happy to put your link. Hope you enjoy it and see you next day. Kissing
Well when I was packing ticks up, I realized I was leaving the hallway like a showgirl's dressing room, full of golden ticks Mijitas. At first I was pissed, but then I turned on the light bulb. That you can take advantage! So on the same template used before had "slipped" the plastic and put it in a jar paint residues.
Hello there! ticks Come party collaborations unruly cook! I loved what you did with the paper tubes! A great idea! Are very good. A kiss. Patricia Patty's Cake Delete Reply
2014 (121) August (26) July (29) January (21) Pinterest Challenge: DIY tablecloths decorated with fruit Grab bags! Guide ... How to make a lattice recycled paper tubes h ... Attaching the table. What is my bread ?! Mute # 3 Tuesday Wednesday Parlanchín me # 2 Kitchen: Gazpacho Jewellery Kumihimo light. Basic movement. Beauty Secrets Victoria Wednesday Grandma # 2 Mute # 1 Kitchen talkative with me Tuesday: Cola braised bull A children's party at home, what time! Ideas ... The selection of tapas. Collaborative Post. How to schedule tweets in Hootsuite dumb me Wednesday # 1 Kitchen: Peaches cava Making a blanket for brushes with a cowboy ... Communions. It's over May! Cooking ticks Guide: Nuggets Bracelet olives Kumihimo ticks spiral disk May (15) April (14) March (16)
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