Saturday, August 23, 2014

This is unbearable, I can not stand inbox cluttered advertising pamphlets. Straw that broke the gla

This is unbearable, I can not stand inbox cluttered advertising pamphlets. Straw that broke the glass of the three letters that are, well, bad luck had come in the same day, before advertising flyers. fertilizer The result was that awful wrinkled. But this is not the first time that I posted wrinkled because of overcrowded mailboxes with leaflets. In particular dread this scourge in the holiday period, which we at the door, because overloaded fertilizer boxes are open signal to burglars in the apartment does not have one. The worst thing is that I, as the occupants of my entrance, neatly glued warning us not put their advertising material, but that no one adheres to. What does the law say about it?
According to the Consumer Protection Act, which regulates leaving advertising messages and materials, Article 16 states that it is forbidden to leave the advert and materials in mailboxes or on the front door and the consumer or in front of them if that prohibition is clearly fertilizer written on them. It also states that advertising for leaving messages and material responsible retailer whose goods and services advertised on bulletin messages and materials
Well, and what one should fertilizer do when he natrpaju fertilizer inbox? That should not place promotional material is clear for years but certain that persistently violate so you might have in your reply to squeeze that are steps you can take if a citizen is a clear violation of the law.
Well, and what one should do when he natrpaju inbox? That should not place promotional material is clear for years but certain that persistently violate fertilizer so you might have in your reply to squeeze that are steps you can take if a citizen is a clear violation of the law.
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