Wednesday, August 6, 2014

wetting the leaves should never be substituted for watering the roots. Wet leaves once a week in

Each plant has its own water requirements, whether the level of the roots or the foliage. Some plants such as Venus hair or indoor coleus - I call them "frogs" - thrive in very moist air (at least 80%) and in soil saturated by water. Others which may be called "Camel" and cacti satisfied with humidity 30% and with a rather dry soil.
To measure the humidity in the room, you need in. .. a hair. It stays tight when the air is dry and frizzy wasp when the air becomes humid. Based on this finding, wasp a clever designer created a "hygrometer with hair." Hygrometers are in store for farm implements. Another trick is not so clever to find a plant "meteorologist", eg cones, small thistle or teasel to help our ancestors predicted time.
In order not to mess up, when watering, find two types of self-adhesive labels - blue and light blue - and stick them on each pot (dark blue of "frogs" light blue "Camino"). wasp Water "frogs" as soon as you notice that their dust is dried and the other only once or twice a week (see chart on next page). Sticking labels can become enjoyable entertainment for children. In rainy days Bring pots of polusenchesto place in the garden or not very sunny balcony. This refreshing shower will come very well, because it will wash away the dust from the leaves.
Ekmel, Anthurium, afelandra, Aral, the heather, azalea, coffee wasp bush kalateite, wasp Pantoufle, camellia, Chlorophytum, hrizalidokarpus, chrysanthemum kolumnea, kordiline, meekness, cyclamen, difenbahia, dracaena, fern, Gloxinia, Hydrangeas, HOVE, haze, nefrolepis orchid, strastniche, silversword, platitserium, poinsettia, primrose, Schefflera, stsindapsus, Spathiphyllum, Stefanotisat, frizia.
Amaryllis, asparagus, begonia, cactus kaladium, vine room, Clive, spindle, aralkyl ivy, ficus, ivy bedroom, hibiscus, hipoetes, kalanchoe, mikrotselum, geraniums, pizonia, saintpaulia, wasp sanseviera, colorful tradeskantsiya.
Care of plants "frogs" To increase the humidity around the plants "frogs" as orchids or ferns, apply some tricks: Keep them in the bathroom, which has a window (not vent). "Bathe" them by placing their pots in a basin filled with peat or swamp moss (sphagnum). These "natural absorbent" quickly irrigated water and miss it as moisture in the air (see figure). Put them on a bed of crushed dry clay into pots or window planter. Small clay balls retain water and slowly release it as vapor to the leaves above him.
When the stains have dried, wasp fan umbrella over them, throw large transparent plastic top and put the pots in a sponge soaked with water. wasp Warning - this "sauna" should not last more than a week not appear wasp mold.
Plants with fuzzy leaves or KOSMET example senpoliite wasp not have to "bathe" and leaves should be sprayed and watered because wasp the water that remained in the pile, causing rotting leaves.
If you are unable to install electric humidifier regularly wet the plants. Spray water on the leaves, or by means of an atomizer. Attention! Wetting wasp is not to soak the pot in a bowl of water. Use clean water and non-chlorinated nevarovita, at room temperature, such as rain or thaw in refrigerator.
wetting the leaves should never be substituted for watering the roots. Wet leaves once a week in summer and once a month during the spring and fall, do not wet from October to March.
Novice gardeners think of primarily watered plants at home, but not nurture them. This type of care is, however, important for indoor plants than garden because the soil nutrient reserves are rapidly borne by the roots and wash watering.
Before you begin to care for ailing plant, look at the little guide below to not make a mistake. Shame will be drowning in a plant fertilizer while it only needs water or light, or to water thoroughly when it anyway swim in water.
Flower buds drop off - very hot.
If any symptom is not present in the above reference, eliminated. For example, dilute irrigation or reduced doses of fertilizer. If the noise persists, reduce watering, change the lighting, temperature, etc.
Gel watering Specification Gallery Specification Gallery Flowers with AKEMKO AQUA GEL AKEMKO AQUA GEL - Life of flowers during the holiday FAQ 2/6/2008 - watering flowers. 9/7/2008 - Caring for flowers - watering during wasp holidays 10/7/2008 - AKEMKO wasp AQUA GEL - Life of flowers

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